More about Hormones-II

March 7, 2025   

More about Hormones-II

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Injecting Estrogens

Estradiol IM (intramuscular) injection

Estradiol valerate IM 20 to 40 mg every 10 days to 3 weeks. Estradiol is sometimes given by injection into the muscle. The injection site is typically the buttock, alternating with each injection. Usually estradiol valerate is used, but sometimes the physician may choose estradiol cypionate. The estradiol is suspended in an oil mixture. Typically the mixture is contained in a 5mL (milliliter) or 10mL multiple use vial with 20 mg or 40 mg of estradiol present in each milliliter.  -special note- injection must be deep into the muscle and typically use a 1-1/2 inch long  needle.

How to Inject Hormones Safely

  • Wash your hands!
  • Clean the top of the bottle with alcohol (like a prep pad).
  • Use a clean syringe. Fill the syringe with an amount of air equal to the amount of hormones you'll be taking (1cc of air for 1cc of hormones). This will make it easier to get the hormones out of the bottle.
  • Push the needle into the bottle, turning the bottle upside down. Then push the plunger in so that the air in the syringe goes into the bottle. Pull the plunger back until the rubber part of the plunger lines up with the right mark for your dosage on the syringe.
  • Pull the needle out of the bottle. (If you use a bigger needle to draw out, then pull the plunger back a bit to get the hormones out of the needle. Take off the big needle and put the smaller one on now.) Tap the syringe to make any air bubbles go to the top. Push out all of the air until a small bead of hormones forms on the tip of the needle.
  • Choose your injection site. If you inject into your thigh, do it in the front, between your hip and knee. If you inject into your butt, divide each butt cheek into four sections. Inject in the upper outer sections only.

but some therapists use estradiol valerate injection 20->60 mg intermusculer (im) for 2 weeks. Any way for more details please refer to your doctor or consult other transgenders. I like to note the influenze of the estrogen varie to persone to persone depending on his DNA status . In Mtf transgenders estrogen reacts accordance/equilibrium with the anti-androgen treatment.

Delestrogen   ( estradiol valerate injection, USP) contains estradiol valerate, a long-acting estrogen in sterile oil solution for intramusculare use.


other parallel treatments

  • Get Vitamin- E , to help regenaretion of skin . This will speed up skin resurfacing and diminish blotchiness.
  • Estrogen levels are increased by Vitamin C
  • Do exercises. Bests are the running and strecting.

